Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Day 4: Lower langford to Hereford

Much improved weather wise with no rain, lighter winds today and consequently a more enjoyable but still tough day.

Making good progress after a great farmhouse cooked breakfast, we clocked up 15 miles by 1030am and stopped next to the Avonmouth bridge near Bristol for some food and lucozade. Headed towards the second severn bridge along the windy waterfront by Avonmouth and Severn Beach into south Glocestershire.

Crossing the severn bridge, we met a solo cyclist doing JOG-LE who had experienced similar bad weather that we had had but at least the wind was with him!

Satisfied with progress, we stopped for lunch in Chepstow and then moved through the beautiful Wye valley past Tentin abbey to Monmouth and refreshments. A hilly route afterwards meant slow progress towards Hereford but still arrived 2hrs earlier than yesterday at 630pm.

Stumbled to an Italian for a bit more carb loading and a couple of beers.

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